A case for parole: violent offenders in alabama post jimmy spencer case

A case for parole: violent offenders in alabama post jimmy spencer case

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a quick factual outline


  •  Bringing into question the Alabama Bureau of Pardons & Paroles and Governor’s rationale behind their actions of denying parole to “violent felons” in the name of public safety, while simultaneously releasing drug and property offenders.

Be fair and even-handed in giving extra chances because numbers don’t support this “super predator” stance taken against those convicted of “violent crimes”.

The Jimmy Spencer Case started the parole blockade in July 2019.

  • The data showed that after eleven months into fiscal year 2020, the board had scheduled 2,041 hearings granting 435, compared to 2019′s 4,270 hearings and 1,337 granted paroles. Source 1

Let’s See The Numbers

Non-violent crime statistics

Overdose rate

  • 775 Drug OD deaths in Alabama 2018 (most recent numbers available, with the boom in opioid use, expect numbers to be much higher) Source 2


Increasing numbers during the pandemic

      • Nationwide, 81,230 people died from drug overdoses nationwide between June 1, 2019 and May 30, 2020. That’s the largest number ever recorded for any 12-month span, according to a CDC health advisory, and a substantial increase over the 12 months that came before. But the biggest increases occurred between March and May of 2020, during the initial lockdown of the pandemic.
      • At least 20 percent more people in Alabama died from drug overdoses during the most recent 12-month period than during the 12 months prior, according to the CDC. The CDC pointed to the first lockdown, citing “a concerning acceleration of the increase in drug overdose deaths, with the largest increase recorded from March 2020 to May 2020.” In Jefferson County, the most populous county in Alabama and home to Birmingham, drug-related deaths hit an all-time high of 284 in 2020. That’s according to a preliminary count, with dozens more still pending, said Deputy Coroner Bill Yates. Source 3
      • Lack of stats beyond 2019 from Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Statistical Analysis Center at the time of publication


Drunk Driving Mortality Rate

  • 246 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in 2018 (most recent) Source 4


Property Theft

  • 82,178 (larceny); 22,689 (burglary) in 2019 Source 5

violent crime statistics

    • Murder rate: 430 Homicides in 2019 (most recent numbers from Alabama criminal statistics)
    • Robbery: 3,282 Robberies in 2019
    • Assault: 17,329 in 2019
    • Source 6


What is the greater threat to society based on the numbers?

      • Annual Non-violent deaths based on combined statistics available 1,021 (OD and DUI deaths)
      • Annual violent crime deaths 430


Likelihood of being a victim of property crime v. violent crime:

    • Property crime victim: 1 in 37
    • Violent crime victim: 1 in 196
    • Source 7


Which is taking more Alabama lives: violent or non-violent crime?

  • Does the answer to this question support the public safety based decision to generally deny paroles to inmates with violent convictions? 
  • Be even-handed and judge each inmate on an individualized basis in regards to their readiness to reintegrate into society, as mandated by the AL Code and ABPP Administrative Rules.


Source 1: https://www.wbrc.com/2020/12/22/new-bill-would-create-second-parole-board/

Source 2: http://wonder.cdc.gov

Source 3: https://www.al.com/news/2021/01/drug-overdoses-climbed-in-alabama-during-pandemic.html

Source 4: https://www.responsibility.org/alcohol-statistics/state-map/state/alabama

Source 5: https://crime.alabama.gov

Source 6: https://crime.alabama.gov

Source 7: https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/al/crime

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